Details of Service

Contact is best made via email

What Happens First

The first session is an assessment session, where I understand your problems and what your goals are for therapy.

The assessment session is also where you can decide if this is the right place for you, I can explain the process and answer any questions.

Following the assessment, we start our working sessions - 50 minutes long, unless you book longer sessions.

When & Where

Sessions are generally biweekly, although variations to this can be arranged.

Mostly online using Zoom, or alternatively in person by arrangement in my office


Work sheets are regularly provided.

Resources & suggestions to aid your process.

App`s, books, information & websites.

Please ask for any other desired support.

Brief Phone calls & email contact are provided in between sessions when needed.

I am here to support you on your journey………

What Can Therapy Help With?

Stress, depression, anxiety, trauma, relationship issues, bereavement, loss, abuse, phobias, panic attacks, assertiveness, eating disorders, addictions, PTSD, living with pain or disabilities, overthinking & OCD, sleeping difficulties, anger issues, dealing with difficult people, adapting to change, like moving to another country, self-esteem/self-confidence and many other issues.……...

Is There a Set Number of Sessions?

Short term is considered to be approx. 4-20 sessions depending on issues.

Longer term can be anything more than this - usually open ended.

Who is it for?

Individuals & Couples

(I`m no longer seeing young people)

Online & pre-arranged in person sessions

Other Services Offered

  • Small online therapy groups are available.

  • Small mindfulness groups (combining therapy together, which is woven in between carefully to support deep change).

  • Clinical supervision online or in person: individual or group.

  • Mindfulness & Meditation sessions - individual sessions.

  • Ongoing support after rehabilitation programmes e.g. for addiction, or eating disorders, retreats, or in-hospital treatment.

  • Support after psychedelic treatments, or Shamanic journeys etc.

  • Specific Training sessions: for professionals & health care providers

  • Week long intensive therapy retreats in Lanzarote.

  • MBCT 8 week courses for well being (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy) with a day retreat - all online.

  • Local weekend retreats

  • Morning & afternoon workshops


I'm currently not covered by the European Institutes, or CNS. I am covered by private insurances, the EIB, many other employers, EAP programs & the O.N.E scheme. (CNS cover a percentage of the cost of therapy, it`s ONLY covered for therapists in the system - there are only a small number covered).


  1. The focus of the therapy is to work towards your desired goals.

  2. Therapy is a safe, respectful, non-judgemental, & professional, in a safe environment.

  3. Open and clear in our collaborative work together.

  4. You will learn about your thinking, feeling and behaviour.

  5. Being real and genuine is very important.

  6. CBT therapy is a process of discovery, as well as learning, removing blocks and much more depending what you want.

  7. Longer term therapy can be used to change deeper mindsets/patterns, overcome past childhood abuse/trauma, reframe core beliefs and your back story.

  8. Working with the fragmented parts of self and the shadow side left over from the childhood is life changing.

  9. Using integrity and intent is very powerful and helps our capacity to change.

  10. Helping you to be who you want to be and freeing yourself is extremely liberating.

"The nature of life is like a YoYo, it's either up or down, on the way up, or on the way down!"
"But one thing is for sure, it's always changing"